Comic for Tuesday, Mar 22, 2011


Posted March 22, 2011 at 1:00 am
You may groan at the pun when ready.

If you are instead confused, this is a reference to the second to last panel of this comic, and to the X-Men super hero Rogue. NOW you may groan at the pun.

I have no idea if the character is currently wearing an outfit that even resembles that, which is made all the more uncertain considering how many different incarnations of her are probably running around these days, but my first exposure to Rogue was the X-Men animated series, and that's how I remember her.

Anyway, this is the sort of thing I can't help but think of. I'm assuming this happens to other people to varying degrees, but I can't help but think of associations and puns with a lot of words. No effort was required to think of this, as it immediately sprung to mind when I wrote the "unless she goes rogue" line.

That said, I'm curious: did that happen to anyone else? How many of you thought of pretty much this exact same thing when George said that?

