This coverup, and the vow not to tell anyone about Ragnarok, was planned a while ago, but not intended to be revealed until later.
When I realized that Pandora naturally would have tried to change immortal law, however, the place to reveal it became here.
Pandora’s reputation among other immortals wasn’t originally going to take such a hit, but there was no way Pandora suggesting the change was going to go over well.
(And not just because, continuity-wise, she couldn't have been successful.)
Perhaps she should have left out the part where it was what Ragnarok wanted them to do?
An arrow to the knee???
This page wound up being delayed due to an issue with one of my knees. I'd already finished quite a lot of the page on Friday, and expected to finish it early the next day.
Then I woke up with severe knee pain in one leg when bent.
I never would have predicted a knee issue interfering with comic production. Lesson learned, however: Knee issues can interfere with a LOT. I couldn't sit and draw at the time without feeling like I was making things worse, and I could barely focus on what I was trying to do.
My knee isn't fully recovered, but I've regained a lot of mobility, and I can sit with a bent leg without it feeling like the apocalypse. I've set things up so I can work on comics without it being an issue (got things the leg can rest on while elevated), so it hopefully won't impact the schedule further?
I'm still not sure what the heck I did to it. Best theory I have is I did something without realizing it on Friday (probably involving stairs), and slept in a way that made it worse? Maybe?
Or maybe this is Skyrim's revenge for never actually beating the game in spite of having played it every year since it came out.