I have ideas for how a seer's spellbook would work, but we don't want Hope to have to go into hibernation, so we're not finding out this story arc, at least.
- Diane and Noah talking about Raven and where he's been
- (Several pages later) Noah's actual explanation of where Raven is
At some point, I decided that Raven and pals (maybe not pals) were making multiple attempts to capture Magus. This was due to time progression in the story, and how long I'd need that quest to go on for. Raven just being gone that whole time seemed much too extreme, however, so it's wound up being "in and out of town".
He has not seen Diane yet, however. That wouldn't just quietly happen off-panel or via flashback.
Possibly cookies?
I'm curious how many people knew this would happen the moment it was revealed Hope could put the entrance to her room almost anywhere.
Like, immortals have previously been established as just sort of floating around and roaming wherever. Given that context, Hope sort of doing the same might have felt so natural that the thought of her needing a place to stay might not have even occurred to someone.
There was the rule change, however, and less freedom to just be intangible, so maybe it was on people's minds? This feels to me like it might be an "obvious only in retrospect" thing.
I wrote it, which means I can't be included in this highly scientific study of "is this a surprise or not".