Comic for Thursday, Sep 26, 2024


Posted September 26, 2024 at 12:00 am

I'm also plotting a sketchbook next Thursday on the third.

- Sword!

- Failure to mention SWORD!

WHICH secrets will everyone continue to keep?!

WHAT things might Lucy already know somehow?! Be she just chill like that?!

WHO will Diane share this revelation with?!

WHY Rhoda bother with the hair growing?! That was probably excessive!

WHERE will they discuss Rhoda's magic?

Actually, I have an answer I can give right now for why Rhoda bothered with growing Catalina's hair.

The original plan actually was JUST to shrink Catalina for a lighter fall + the paradoxical increased durability one usually has while shrunk in this comic. Thing is, the way I drew Catalina falling, it looked like she was going to hit head first, and I wasn't sure if a lighter fall + durability would prevent the basic physics of injury associated with that.

So because of how I drew something, and worrying about something I could have just written as not mattering, the story became slightly more convoluted.

Which I consider a good thing, because I actually wanted Rhoda to merge spells as a "look at this specific thing she can do" moment (because REASONS), but I didn't feel I had a good enough reason for that to happen before. Thank you, past me, for drawing Catalina falling the way you did!

And thank all of you for reading this storyline, and EGS in general! As mentioned previously, when EGSNP returns, the storyline will be something silly and short. I want it short enough that the whole dang thing can be written in advance, and I can work on writing the storyline AFTER it while it's being posted.

