Comic for Thursday, Sep 12, 2024


Posted September 12, 2024 at 12:00 am

Sometimes there's no natural way for characters to point out exactly how long something took, and that's when narration gets an arrogant grin on its face and nonchalantly walks in.

Tired Rhoda

I'm not THAT concerned about "power scaling" nonsense in EGS. Being super powerful doesn't make that much of a difference to the story, particularly given any ability can potentially be countered in various ways.

THAT SAID, the ability to shrink someone to the size of a doll IN ADDITION to other things THAT quickly? Yeah, Rhoda doesn't get to do that without getting winded. It is officially "a thing she can do", but not for free.

That, and Catalina was DEFINITELY caught by surprise, so there's also how well this would go if someone had their guard up.

(Sorry, Rhoda, it was very impressive, I'm just trying to have a LITTLE balance here.)

Word of ME! is the speed at which she did this was a considerable factor in how taxing it was. Naturally, people can ignore word of ME!, and I can't stop them, but I'll be writing based on word of ME!, so future comics will support this word of ME! if it comes up again.

