Comic for Saturday, Sep 7, 2024


Posted September 7, 2024 at 12:00 am

I had different ideas for Catalina rescue (and also Catalina peril), and I'll elaborate on the different rescues in a later comic commentary.

As for the potential perils, some weren't even Catalina in peril. For example, one option was accidentally throwing a bowling ball high enough, and/or in a bad enough place, that property damage was the danger.

Another was the old favorite of accidentally throwing the ball backward, putting the people behind Catalina in danger.

Catalina herself was also in potential danger for something worse than what happened, but I'm not sure it would've been physically possible? Sure, that won't stop me if magic's involved, or it would be funny enough, or if it's a Tuesday, but it was a Thursday comic when she fell, and this would have been purely physical.

Basically, she would have slipped AND thrown the ball in the air in a way that it would be hurtling towards her face.

HUGE yikes, but I'm not sure how she'd have actually managed that, and the solution would've forced Rhoda to prioritize the ball, not Catalina, which I find less interesting (also the problem with pretty much every scenario concerned with the ball hitting something).

