Comic for Saturday, Aug 31, 2024


Posted August 31, 2024 at 12:00 am


What do you mean you all saw this coming?



Sorry I called y'all fools.

Anyway, I can do what Catalina does in this comic. Not the strike thing (well, maybe the strike thing), the balancing on one leg while at weird angles for an extended period of time thing.

I don't stand still in one place well for long, but sometimes, one has to. That is my hypothesis, at least, for why I got into the habit of commonly standing one leg. It was to make up for not having the option to walk around as desired.

Nowadays, after doing it for most of my life, it's just a thing I commonly do, and can be useful for reaching things.

It's also useful for comically leaning into a room to say something, which is legitimately something I have done.

I also just now remembered that I used to live in a home with a porch that had really sturdy, thick wooden railings to it, and walking on it was just a thing I did (sometimes while waving sticks I'd pretend were swords around). It was relatively wide for such a thing, but still not much wider than the width of one foot.

It was so normal a thing to do at the time that I hadn't considered it as something to include in my "why I'm good at balancing" speculation.

Anyway, there's not a LOT of ways I'm in good shape, but that's one thing I'm good at, at least.

(Also, this is probably the part where I should say "don't try this at home" or something. Um... Don't walk on railings while swinging sticks around. And stuff. Yeah.)

