Comic for Thursday, Aug 29, 2024


Posted August 29, 2024 at 12:14 am

Sidenote: The next sketchbook will be Tuesday.

I've already got it sketched, and it's mostly using existing palettes, hence my confidence in this bold declaration. I've chosen Tuesday because, short of outside factors, having time on Monday to finish it should be guaranteed if I don't have time today or Friday.

And now, THIS comic's commentary!

Losing on purpose is essentially not playing.

Naturally, there are exceptions to this. Almost every absolute statement is an "um, actually" waiting to happen.

Additional complications arise when you're losing on purpose in a specific way because the game you're playing has given you a secret win condition, and you're actually winning.

And in some games, it's possible to be in a no-win situation, and maybe you want to do something that has nothing to do with winning before losing. That's not exactly playing to lose if the person doing it already can't win, but one could argue it counts as an exception.

ANYWAY! Under normal conditions in most games, losing on purpose can easily be considered rude, as it can make things considerably less fun.

This isn't me trying to be the boss of anyone. Maybe someone WANTS to be rude. I don't need to know why, it's not my business. It's just worth considering.

