Comic for Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024


Posted August 27, 2024 at 12:00 am

"Like, that's cool and all, but if you don't dial it back a little, we're going to get to the last frame, and you're going to be out of things to say that easily come to mind."

As is probably known by now, Diane is not upset about having been adopted. She has some complicated feelings about meeting her biological father, but part of the reason for that is she had no desire to find him in the first place, and having done so by happenstance has made things awkward for her.

So the fact that she was adopted is more "check THIS out" than anything else.

Granted, she does toss in the very situation that has made things awkward for her here, but Diane is making the most of things.

As for a seven-ten split, it's my understanding that it's the most difficult shot in bowling in which there are two pins in the back row remaining on opposite sides (which Catalina is mimicking with her fingers). When looking it up, I heard the claim made that, even among professional bowler's there's less than a one percent chance of knocking over both to get the spare, so... Good luck, Diane. You'll need it just to get the chance to try again, let alone get the spare.

