Comic for Thursday, Aug 22, 2024


Posted August 22, 2024 at 12:00 am

"E" is anything from two of the above to all of the above. I mention this because it occurs to me that multiple interpretations are possible, and "all of the above" is the more common option to include see in such multiple choice lists.

Speaking of "all of the above", that's what I would choose for myself (assuming we swap out Lucy and Diane for whoever the heck I'm talking with).

I don't have magic to hide, but there are things I'd rather not talk about unless I know someone well enough.

For example, if I'm getting a haircut, I don't necessarily want to get into specifics about my comic. For all I know, they might not like squirrels.

Bit of a side note, but I'm far more comfortable sharing written words about myself than talking about myself. If it's written, it feels like shared introspection, and putting feelings out there that others might find relatable.

If I'm literally talking about myself, it feels much more awkward to me. This is in part because one or more people would likely be looking at me, but also because I feel pressure to speak without pausing a lot. When writing, I can usually take my time, and consider whether what I'm typing is actually what I'm trying to say.

