Comic for Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024


Posted August 20, 2024 at 12:00 am

I actually had considered "Rhoda is simply bad at bowling" being the case, but I didn't like that as much as whatever this is.

This is more relatable to me than being bad at bowling, for I am, of course, fantastic at it.

I haven't bowled in over a decade, and I can't remember how well I used to do, but I assume I averaged a score of three hundred and five on the regular.

Nice spare!

In bowling, you get two chances to knock all ten pins over per turn. If you finish knocking them over in the first chance, that's a strike, and your turn is over. In the second, that's a spare.

I'm not planning to explain all of bowling. That would take a bit, and I'd probably get something wrong. I wanted to cover what the heck a spare is, though, as I'm boldly assuming fewer than 100% of readers know that.

Honestly, I'm not sure what percentage of readers to expect. From my own personal experiences, it feels like everyone should know, but globally, and in 2024? I think the most reasonable guess I can make is to simply say I don't know what a reasonable guess would be.

