Comic for Tuesday, Aug 13, 2024


Posted August 13, 2024 at 12:00 am

- Catalina supporting bowling

Catalina only has good ideas, so there's no conceivable way anything can go wrong!

The first panel basically exists as a shorthand for "they have not actually started bowling yet", which I felt was a worthwhile thing to establish given the past few comics focusing on Camdin and Dave.

It's ALSO what remains of an idea I had for how to proceed with the return to Catalina and pals, which was for Catalina herself to request going last so she could observe proper bowling technique.

Instead, Catalina has something else on her mind, which, I'll repeat, can only go well.

New-Fangled Bowling Interfaces

Back in MY day, we had these big things with small screens for inputting player names and the like. I'm also trying to remember if I ever had to manually input scores, or simply write things down results when I played, but I'm not sure.

ANYWAY, while I definitely should have visited a bowling alley before starting this storyline, I didn't, and have just been looking at references online.

I was strangely surprised by the modern interfaces to the point that it took me a while to realize that's what I was even looking at. My memories are of big things with chairs you sat at, and not what amount to tablets on poles, or in small tables.

I say "strangely surprised", because what's in use now is the natural, predictable progression of things. For some reason, however, I found it surprising.

Preconceptions and past experiences can be surprisingly powerful foes against having logical expectations for the present.

