Comic for Thursday, Aug 8, 2024


Posted August 8, 2024 at 12:00 am

Next EGSNP Tuesday! 
I'm deciding exactly how to wrap up this storyline.


A billion and three are roughly interchangeable, right?

Just to be 100% clear, the three options are contact Diane, contact Lucy, or see Justin when he's working (or via Luke).

Granted, they're conclusion jumping about how much Justin knows, but they could be doing worse, really.

Ground Rules

Authorial intent is that Camdin would be perfectly fine with doing as Dave is suggesting if it actually is okay, but he isn't entirely confident that future Dave would be happy he had done so.

Put another way, my intent is that Camdin isn't sure Dave can genuinely agree to anything in this form.

As to whether Dave can legitimately agree to things while like this, I'd argue they can, BUT they need to be careful. Dave's spell is essentially Cheerleadra's secret identity forms, except that's the whole spell, and there's much more versatility.

This mean's Dave's still in control, and can "break character "at any time, but that doesn't mean they won't behave differently, or do things they might otherwise not do (especially on impulse).

As such, I'd say the suggestion that they actually talk about it is a pretty good one.

