Comic for Saturday, Aug 3, 2024


Posted August 3, 2024 at 12:00 am

Camdin is NOT sure whether it's okay to hug back.

Since I don't have a lot to say about this before the next comic, I'm going to talk about something behind the scenes. I've recently concluded that I need to do the following things to stay on-schedule, and get comics done at a reasonable hour:

1 - Above all else, get enough sleep. My brain goes on holiday if I don't get enough sleep, which basically means poor focus, and reduced problem solving capabilities (and comics are like little puzzles sometimes).

2 - Wake up early, and get to work early. Naturally, the earlier I begin, the earlier I can be done (assuming time to wake up beforehand, anyway).

3 - Have breakfast in plenty of time before starting work. This probably sounds like a no-brainer, but there are different schools of thoughts on how many meals to have per day, and I often don't feel like eating that early. Thing is, if I wait too long, it either becomes a problem while working, or it delays the start of work.

4 - Don't have big interruptions during the day. This also seems obvious, but I'll still think things like "it's not THAT big a deal to run an errand", and then find myself working late.

Breaking the 4th wall--er, rule is naturally unavoidable sometimes, but that's why I'm hoping to get ahead enough so some days can be like that.

I'm more optimistic than ever about being able to pull that off because my inking methods have gotten a LOT faster in just the past couple weeks, and I don't think it's done getting faster as I get more used to it and figure out more shortcuts.

At this point, I'm most concerned about 1 and 2, but I've been doing PRETTY well about that (so long as no one asks when I got to sleep on Thursday night).

