Comic for Thursday, May 16, 2024


Posted May 16, 2024 at 12:00 am

- The page with the original version of that last panel

- Earlier mention by Rhoda of being chased (she has short hair in this one because magic but I assure you she's Rhoda)


A confession: I was aware of Frogger before I wrote the previous commentary. I failed to make it obvious I was joking, however, so thank you, everyone, for telling me about Frogger, but it was an intentional reference all along.

Battletoads had slipped my mind, however, in spite of having played it back on the original NES (though I never got very far in it).


YAY I got the recap over and done with in one comic! I was worried it would take two, and I did NOT want to do that.

It wouldn't be the worst thing on a future re-read, but I try to keep "new comic" pacing in mind.

And yes, it is a shame that Luke left the team before they found someone with sewing skills.

