Comic for Friday, Nov 23, 2018


Posted November 23, 2018 at 12:00 am

I feel one way to successfully write Grace is to leave in tangential streams of consciousness.

I also felt that Grace would naturally feel guilty about keeping information from Sarah, particularly if it was information with the potential to explain something about the date that Sarah, one of her best friends and someone who occasionally has self-esteem issues, was trying to figure out.

At the same time, I did NOT want to go for several pages with it looking like the big question was whether this feeling of guilt would result in her outing Sam to Sarah. I reached the conclusion that THAT issue needed to be addressed and resolved in one page.

Granted, prior to this moment, there was concern expressed about that happening. As such, it technically took six pages to settle whether that was going to be in issue. My point, however, is that once the desire to tell Sarah was actually expressed, I felt it couldn't be left hanging as some sort of cliffhanger. I feel that would have made this story too stressful.

Of course, Grace's face in that last panel might still make some people nervous.


EGSNP is taking the day off because yesterday was Thanksgiving in the USA. It will be back Monday

