Comic for Friday, Mar 21, 2025


Posted March 21, 2025 at 12:00 am

- Sarah's not wrong (the "Sarah likes pineapple on pizza" incident as described by Susan)

Susan gets to explain the spellbooks because, in my opinion, she and Jay haven't gotten to talk nearly enough to each other in this part.

Speaking of that explanation, I didn't really want to include it. I don't think anyone needs the recap, and I didn't want to give the panel space to it. Given that Jay canonically didn't know what one was, however, it would have been SUPER WEIRD if she didn't get an explanation.

The best I could've done to avoid the recap would have been one panel that implied that Jay was told off-panel while we were focusing on someone else, and at that point, I prefer the recap option. It's just clearer overall.

That, and we got Tedd's frustrated interjection this way.

EGSNP schedule

I'm trying to fix my production schedule to be healthier in all sorts of ways, one of which being things done in advance. I need to reach certain production goals to comfortably do that before EGSNP returns, so I'm not entirely sure when that'll be.

I want it to be ASAP, but I need a lot drawn AND written in advance. I was somewhat foolishly taking the writing part for granted right up until Thursday became a day for mostly writing when I wanted it to be for drawing!

It's generally difficult to draw pages that haven't been properly written yet, however, even if I have the general idea of what they're going to be. Important (super obvious) life lesson, there.

Still, I had this page done on Wednesday, along with 95% of Monday's story page, so progress is being made.

