Comic for Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024


Posted August 28, 2024 at 12:00 am

"Seriously, I should be calling myself Hera and pranking foolish mortals right now. Instead, I have anxiety."

I struggled a bit earlier with who would chat after round three, and in what order.

Then I remembered the obvious solution of both Hope and Sarah's decks getting utterly clobbered, freeing them up faster than anyone (other than their opponents, of course).

Anyway, look, Hope! You've actually been playing exactly as well as you should have!

EDIT: A bit easier to say

Approximately two seconds after first posting this, I decided to edit part of panel three. What I originally wrote was too awkward to think smoothly in my own head, let alone say.

The original was:

"At least I know one reason why it became the norm for immortals to not pass on emotional connections when resetting."

And that became:

"At least I know one reason why immortals don’t normally pass on emotional connections when resetting."

The original was more correct, in a way. It "became the norm", and the alternative was generally forgotten. What I changed it to could be interpreted as it simply being a choice, and not the bigger matter of not knowing it's an option.

But my brain feels like it's in less of a knot trying to read it, so we're going with the latter.


- Tuesday EGSNP

