Comic for Friday, Aug 23, 2024


Posted August 23, 2024 at 12:00 am

Naturally, I assumed none of you had actually read the past five pages, and felt it was time for a recap!

Not really, of course. I was actually hoping to avoid that sort of vibe, but I also wanted to go over Tedd's perspective on what just happened.

After finding out just how much there was for Tedd to go over (and this was AFTER editing it down), I found myself choosing between us looking at Tedd's face for several panels, or convenient visuals from the past few pages. I chose the latter.

I wanted to go over Tedd's perspective and reasoning, and not just the conclusion, because some bits seem like too much of a leap without them, and would have to be addressed anyway.

That said, I'm going to go ahead and answer a couple of possible questions I can think of:

1 - Tedd managed to correctly conclude that Jay made an assumption about the spell based on what happened after she used it, suggesting that literally seeing what it did calmed her down.

2 - Tedd's current conclusion assumes the previous guesses were right, and one of those involved prior knowledge of Tedd. That's why Tedd's conclusion is that Jay knows Tedd is a seer, and not "seer or wizard".

The Better To See You With

One thing about stylized big eyes is that it can feel like a fourth wall break to say "she probably didn't get a good look at my pupils from there."

Were everything presented realistically, sure, Tedd's pupils might be hard to see from several feet away, but as it's drawn? She could be across a room and be able to tell!


- Thursday EGSNP

