Comic for Monday, Aug 5, 2024


Posted August 5, 2024 at 12:00 am

- Introduction of Mark

- Mark saying Susan is a huge celebrity

- Mark somewhat over-estimating Susan's card game skills

Tedd brings up a concern that I originally wanted to bring up back when Tedd was assessing what he could do about AJ's cheating (basically nothing). It wasn't one of the points that page needed to make for the story, however, and there wasn't room for it.

Also lost to the harsh reality of editing and panel space is Tedd considering just how badly leering could go for AJ if he played against Susan, and how he'd be lucky to just get disqualified for inappropriate conduct.

Susan! I have a side quest for you!

I decided to have Justin ask Susan to post the round three pairings so Susan and Jay could casually look at who's playing who, and talk about it, without there being a swarm of people around them.

Aside from simply being easier to draw (yay), my main concern was them talking about Mark and AJ with less concern of them possibly being right behind them.

ALSO, Justin trusts Susan, Susan was only a few feet away from where the pairings are posted, and Justin would have had to go around the counter and ask people out of his way (looking at you, chatting off-panel Sarah and Grace).


- Saturday EGSNP

