Comic for Monday, Jul 29, 2024


Posted July 29, 2024 at 12:00 am

- Susan wondering if she can trust anything Jay says

"You know, Susan, her concern could also be a mask."

"No shut up just look at that face."

I'm not sure if anyone was seriously asking, but after the last page, people asked if Jay had shoved Sarah aside. She had not. I had sketched Sarah behind Jay, but I ultimately decided to just have speed lines in the foreground that completely hid Sarah.

I would specify "it was my intent that Jay didn't shove her" and "it's open to interpretation", and I guess that's still true, but I imagine it's difficult to argue that Sarah was shoved when a) Sarah's not on the ground on this page, and b) an outraged Grace hasn't tackled Jay.


- Saturday EGSNP

