Requested by Skylore Miller, aka: Renkore - Susan in the Venus Form she had back in "Ellen's Crew" after getting beam-Zapped wearing some badass armor and a crown (several additional guidelines included, leaving out for brevity).
I get the feeling that particular hammer isn't exactly for "stunning" foes. Granted, her breastplate might do that.
This may set a dangerous precedent, but Skylore asked me if it would be okay to include Little Nase making adjusting Susan's crown, and I said that was okay on the basis that Little Nase is, well, little, and would basically be an accessory in this context. I suppose if someone else asks for something similar at the same reward tier, I'll likely oblige, but don't expect me to say yes to a swarm of shrunken characters ^^;
Note: Requests are paraphrased for clarity and brevity (as I already said, in this case)