Comic for Sunday, Feb 2, 2014


Posted February 2, 2014 at 2:39 am

From this comic! Wait, what? It's not from a comic? What madness is this?

I've been listening to Harry Potter audiobooks a lot lately, and it made me want to draw Ashley as a wizardly student. The color choice for her uniform is a deliberate reference to house Hufflepuff of Hogwarts. I consider it fun and interesting to contemplate which characters, be it from my own comic or other series, would wind up in which houses.

Note that I do not just toss all the villains into Slytherin, as I consider that cheating and not entirely fair.

I  also decided to experiment with Ashley's eye color and hair highlights. The highlights are still a shade of green, but it's a little different, and I think it goes better with her skin. I also gave her yellow (sort of resembling light brown) eyes that I think clash less than her purple eyes did. Ultimately, I'm just going to go with whatever I feel like, but I welcome feedback.

