Comic for Saturday, May 7, 2011


Posted May 7, 2011 at 1:00 am
I had briefly pictured Grace concluding that it was okay to attack the fire dudes on the basis that the worst she could do was "un-summon" them, and this would have been the last panel of that comic (which would have been [s]Monday[/s] Tuesday's comic).

There were several things wrong with this. While it's a conclusion that Grace would most likely reach, she would naturally be uncertain of how to proceed and wouldn't immediately morph from tiny squirrel to Jeremy form and attack a fire dude. That's just not what Grace would do at this point in canon.

The other issue was simply that Grace, as has since been shown, would be more concerned with stopping the summoning at the source and getting rid of the dragon that took Elliot than focusing on the fire dudes that Greg can apparently cut down like they're butter.

I actually got through sketching most of the comic before realizing all that, which was somewhat annoying. There was one panel I was fond of from this misstep, however, and this is it. Just the image of a six-foot tall muscular Jeremy-Grace lunging at a Fire dude was cool to me, and I basically reused the pose in Thursday's comic.

There's a difference between cool and appropriate for the story, however. If there wasn't, everyone would be wearing sunglasses and acting like the Fonz. Yeah, I know the Fonz didn't wear sunglasses, but that's because it would have caused a coolness implosion that audiences of that era simply were not ready for.

