Comic for Tuesday, Aug 17, 2010


Posted August 17, 2010 at 1:00 am
I think I'm obligated by now to include platipi in the main story at some point. A platipi invasion? Were-platypus? Monster platypus?

Gotta be some sorta platypus. In any case, here's a scary platypus leaping from the water. It's incredibly scary until you consider that the platypus could probably be held in the palm of one's hand. Those dudes are small.

Anyway, as might be evident from this sketch and this commentary, I am INCREDIBLY sleepy. I'm barely staying conscious here. I could start sleeping at... any...


GAH! PLATIPI! PLATIPI EVERYWHERE! OH N--eh? Oh. Just a dream. That's a re--wait, I've been typing all this? And I'm still typing it? One would think I'd stop typing at this point. Maybe my hands are possessed? That could end badly.

If the next comic is just a bunch of drawings of demons or something, don't blame me. Blame the malevolent entity that has apparently possessed my hands.

