Comic for Tuesday, Aug 11, 2015


Posted August 11, 2015 at 3:12 am

- Writer's Block III: Write Less Harder

This is actually my second attempt at this sketchbook. My first attempt was size like a landscape wallpaper, because I thought that would be super rad. The size of The Princess and Writer's Block relative to the bunny dragon, however, made the composition difficult for me to figure out. It eventually got late and I gave up on it, and my schedule got hectic enough after that that sketchbooks got put on hold again.

Needless to say, I was frustrated.

Fast forward to a little while before I wrote this, and I found myself still having a ways to go on completing two big sketchbooks that I wanted to post on the same day. That day obviously wasn't going to be today if I wanted any sleep, so I needed something else I could make quickly. I decided to try this sketchbook from another angle (and aspect ratio), and BAM. Success.

At least, I think it's a success. It looks pretty good to me. A-, Maybe? B+? ...C?

I'm also experimenting with how I do shadows a bit, which is always a dangerous proposition. It's really easy to make things too complicated. I think I've found a method that's actually shockingly easy to do for a bit more depth, however, so that's neat.

