Comic for Tuesday, Oct 14, 2014


Posted October 14, 2014 at 1:41 am

- No background version

Requested by Anonymous - V5 Heidi, V5 Girly Tedd, and Sarah in sports bras and running shorts

I meant for Heidi to be in the foreground, but she sort of wound up just looking big to me. Of course, if the perspective looked perfect to you, disregard the previous sentence and don't change your opinion you were right the first time noooooooo~!
The exercise clothing combined with the characters gave me the idea for this scenario. Heidi is significantly less muscular than Elliot, but she's still ridiculously full of energy and could probably run for days. Sarah and Tedd, not so much. They did NOT make good time on the mile. In fact, I'm not entirely sure they even finished before walking over to Heidi/Elliot, who finished ages ago.
Note: Requests are paraphrased for clarity and brevity

