Comic for Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014


Posted September 17, 2014 at 8:30 am

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Requested by Brian - Ellen dressed like Samus (but with no helmet or cannon arm) with bunny ears, and Noah dressed as Link and V5'd

Today is turning out to be a very Super Smash Bros day for me. Nintendo needs to hurry it up and get that game out ASAP. It's not like there are any previous versions of Smash Bros I can play to fill the time until then.

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure of Noah's eye color, but it may well be green. I had them set as green as a sort of placeholder, but then I thought they looked good! Of course, that might just be because Noah is dressed as Link and is surrounded by greenishness. We shall see what the future holds in the future, which will one day be the past. In the future.

And now I wanna play Chrono Trigger again.

Ellen's power armor is customized somewhat to suit her in ways beyond keepying her hands and head uncovered, and part of that is simply because I saw so many different versions when looking for references. Apparently, there have been quite a few Metroid games. Who'da thunk it?

I'm still not sure how Samus's shoulders work. Yes, I've seen the Super Metroid era diagrams, but for her to fit in her modern power armor as snugly as she does, her shoulders would basically have to widen a ridiculous amount for it to work. People have told me all sorts of theories to explain it in the past, but I basically don't buy any of them. Granted, I'll accept a silly explanation. I just want it to be official. Don't be flinging fan theories at me. Those are all covered in "well, MAYBE" sauce, and that's not good enough for this Dan. They can be interesting, sure, but I'm not gonna accept them as canon unless they're, well, canon.

Note: Requests are paraphrased for clarity and brevity

