Comic for Monday, Aug 25, 2014


Posted August 25, 2014 at 1:00 am

- No background version

Requested by David Paye - What about Grace as a Planeswalker? I hear Chandra is reasonably popular.

Planeswalkers are basically the powerhouses of the Magic: The Gathering universe and the player is supposedly one themselves. Chandra is one of those who favors the fire and the burning and the ow it hurts sort of magic, and Grace is dressed in a manner in tribute to her with a few personaized touches. Grace's hair is a bit less, well, on fire, but I think it looks nifty.

Incidentally, I went nuts figuring out how to get a fire effect I was happy with. I have fancy Photoshop brushes that work just fine for background fires, but things get complicated when the fire is doing stuff like this. I'm pretty happy with the end result.

Note: Requests are paraphrased for clarity and brevity

