Comic for Saturday, May 21, 2011


Posted May 21, 2011 at 1:00 am
I'm plotting more Q&A comics after New And Old Flames is over in an effort to unwind and give myself a chance to better plot out / script upcoming storylines, and so it is time once more to get ready to draw Amanda.

I could actually put off the Q&A announcement for a while, but I want to script out a good percentage of it (if not all of it) in advance. As such, I welcome your questions. The questions can pretty much be anything EGS-related, but be aware that the Q&A is unlikely to delve into spoiler territory.

Admittedly, these aren't the only sketches I drew of her. I was out of my drawing groove today, and these are the least horrid of what I drew. Granted, I think these came out okay and might be close to her final revised design, but if one's scale is based on horridness, even the best is going to be rated at some level of horrible.

