I want to do more elaborate sketchbooks with original material in the future, but I wound up fairly behind this week while experimenting with the style, so... COLOR SKETCHBOOKS! WHEEEE...!
*erhem* Anyway, here are Grace and Sarah with eye colors and junk, and yes, both Nanase and Grace have green eyes. Nanase mostly has green eyes because I established that really early on and I'm stubborn like that, though I'm not sure if I'll stay that stubborn. I'm not sure if I like green eyes for Nanase, and I feel I should be allowed to mulligan pretty much anything established in 2002.
We'll see. For now, put Nanase's eye color down as "maybe green".
BUT ANYWAY! Sarah has light blue eyes simply because that's how I've always imagined them, and Grace has green eyes because I'm obsessed with keeping her color scheme in forest colors while also wanting contrast.
Elliot and Ellen definitely have dark brown eyes to the point where I haven't actually decided if they'll even be visible in greyscale. I think there's room in the style for characters to intentionally break the mold with eyes without irises and irises that are prominent to the point of not even showing a pupil. Not certain, of course, but I'd like to have some variety in that regard.
Susan's eyes are most likely dark blue, and Justin's eyes are probably a lighter brown buuuuut I haven't definitively decided. They could also be another variety of blue. Feel free to weigh in.
In any case, totally ignoring real world genetics and just going for whatever I think feels right / fits the color scheme. Which, incidentally, is why I'm going to at least experiment with pink and purple eye colors for Tedd.