Comic for Thursday, Nov 18, 2010


Posted November 18, 2010 at 1:00 am
I’m not done with the single panel, fully inked images, but I’m not done with actual sketches in the sketchbook, either. This is especially true when script writing proves tricky and I find I need to spend more time on that than sketchbookery.

You know, I really hate it when the primary reason I do a sketch for a sketchbook entry is because of a time crunch or writer's block. It feels like filler of filler to me. That said, I hope someone likes seeing creepy skull-face Pandora up there.

Granted, I do like the Pandora character, if for no other reason than a character who thinks she can predict everything will ultimately be fun to prove wrong every time it happens. Then there's that whole thing with her being Raven's mommy and hellbent on bringing about an apocalypse and all that. That's nifty, too.

