Comic for Wednesday, Jul 23, 2014


Posted July 23, 2014 at 1:18 am

- Getting to know someone
- Tedd Vs Larry
- Letting Tedd win

AAAA Too much blonde the comic's gone Super Saiyan...!

For the record, Sarah is "vice versa'ing" the possibility that Larry could be a crazed individual with a fondness of axes instead of her. It's the sort of thing I wrote, realized it could be confusing, then had another character express confusion instead of trying to make it clearer. Editing at its finest!

One might conclude that Sarah is telling Larry not to let her win because of what happened with Larry and Tedd, but no, Sarah doesn't know about that. She is, however, a girl who likes playing games. She's been "given" victories before. Granted, I shouldn't assume that all women have had to deal with guys letting them win at games, but I'm going to assume all women have had to deal with guys letting them win at games.

