Comic for Saturday, Jan 29, 2022


Posted January 29, 2022 at 3:12 am

This guy is intentionally more muscular and bulky than he likely would be, because this is a visual medium, and I needed to convey that this is a beefy dude.

Were this a novel, I could write... Um... What would I write?

Some dude walked up. He was BUFF.

Yeah, that would've done it.

Anyway, he has glasses, because it turns out nearsightedness can affect you even if you have muscles. Who'da thunk it.


It is my understanding that, in some cultures, it could be considered rude to not be overly modest, and downplay your abilities.

Granted, even in those cultures, there are going to be plenty of people who are like "that's ridiculous, I'm good at this thing, and it's not rude to say it, or agree to it when it's pointed out."

They'll be called rude immediately after, of course.

Not that that's what's happening here, exactly. Grace's rudeness is in being dismissive of this guy's strength. It's just that Grace reminded me of this in panel three.

