Comic for Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024


Posted July 23, 2024 at 12:56 am

- Earlier Rhoda thoughts on Lucy

- The embarrassment

Lucy, don't elbow people while they're chewing.

There's more I could say, but really, this comic is BASICALLY set up for the next comic, so I choose to focus this commentary on encouraging safety when teasing one's friends.

Also, Rhoda? Don't talk while chewing.

Admittedly, that's hard not to do when you're in a social gathering in which everyone is eating, and people keep saying things to you while you're trying to eat, and you don't want your food to get cold, but you're expected to participate in talking anyway, and it's like either everyone has to eat extra slow, or one to two people just need to sacrifice the heat of their food to take over the conversation, and ye GODS was Miles O'Brien of Star Trek fame right when he said if you try to eat and talk at the both time you'll do neither one well!


Sorry. Wound up on a tangent and referencing Deep Space Nine, there.

