It's probably for the best that Rhoda wasn't making things bigger or smaller when she sneezed and waking up in various transformed states or whatever, but of course Pandora is going to disagree.
Y'know, I'm not certain at this point that Pandora's ever going to elaborate on why the enchantments suddenly ended. I was considering trying to shoehorn it in here, but I placed priority on other things.
To be fair, however, Pandora already said why it happened. It's literally all in this comic explaining why the disguise enchantment had become the linchpin, including the part about stacked enchantments shortening durations. The moment Rhoda and Catalina were safe and ready to get rid of the disguise, it became a naturally short race between Rhoda manually undoing the enchantment and the enchantments undoing themselves, and Rhoda lost that race.
So, I suppose this makes this comic cookie time for people who knew that in spite of Pandora not saying anything about it in this comic? Yes. Yes it does.