Comic for Friday, Sep 6, 2024


Posted September 6, 2024 at 4:27 am

Remember when I made the "why do I hear boss music" joke down here on Monday?

That might not have been a joke.

Well, I mean, the sentiment might not have been. There's probably not literal boss music playing right now.

Then again, this is happening in Hope's head, and we're already seeing things like a giant box with a lock on it and a sledgehammer. There could well be boss music.

Heck, it wouldn't even have to be a "mind of an immortal" thing. She could just have a song stuck in her head.


Panel four nearly broke me. I had so much trouble with Hope simply holding the sledgehammer. I was genuinely on the verge of calling a delay because of it.

Fortunately, I own a two-handed sledgehammer. For reasons. So I made my own reference photos that will never see the light of day, and the comic got made for Friday after all, though it was still pretty late.

An issue with me working past a certain point is that I can't keep up the pace focus-wise, and make WAY more mistakes (tired brain!), so it really is worth it to do as much work as possible during reasonable day hours.

But sometimes, you're just not sure how to draw someone holding a sledgehammer.

Or you get distracted by a shiny object.

Or forget to eat lunch, and you wonder why you mysteriously feel out of sorts, and you figure it out just in time that it feels too late to have a proper lunch because it will spoil your dinner.

Stuff like that.


- Thursday EGSNP

