Comic for Friday, Aug 30, 2024


Posted August 30, 2024 at 4:09 am

- "I need Sarah, and only Sarah"

I had the focus of... a thing... that's... bad at... focusing? While working on this.

Anyway, my mind kept going on little journeys that made things difficult for me. It was pretty frustrating.

On the plus side, the rest of this commentary was written while on one of those journeys, so I'm almost done here! HUZZAH!

Milling About

What Sarah faced in Round three is what would be referred to as a “mill” deck in Magic: The Gathering.

These decks can be annoyingly slow, but also alarmingly fast. Sarah played against the latter, and was also unlucky. Her opponent had a similar win record to her, so it’s not like the deck was seeing overwhelming success.

Named after a card called millstone that had people lose the top two cards of their deck, a mill deck effectively attacks the cards left in a deck instead of an opponent’s life total.

If a player has to draw a card, but can’t due to no cards being left, they lose.

The original millstone was like a baby’s toy, but ever since someone decided “this should be a type of deck”, a ton of cards are designed for winning that way.

Generally, it’s an annoying way to lose, and I don’t like mill decks due to how they feel to play against.

An exception is a deck I made myself that tosses out standard mill tactics, and is all about a swarm of advisors effectively talking opponents into surrender. It’s 100% chatterbox advisor creatures, and I am amused by the idea of doing things like winning against eldritch horrors by talking.


- Thursday EGSNP

