Comic for Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024


Posted July 24, 2024 at 1:52 am

- Sam avoiding tournaments for a while to reduce odds of people noticing he's literally transformed, with particular concern about George (from The Secret of Sam)

I don't think Guy found Hope much of a challenge...

Figuring out what to do with the third panel was such an issue for me that it was almost AJ thinking about the specifics of why George had the advantage. This would have been terrible for several reasons, not the least of which being that I came up with an extremely efficient way to essentially provide the exact same information for in panel two.

Fortunately, Sam was all like "but how did I do that round?", and I was like "THAT'S IT!"

Which Sam deserves, frankly. Poor Sam didn't get to be in the Vs lineup because there was only room for five in that, and the other matches had greater story relevance.

For anyone still wondering about George's advantage...

  1. George can win with just a single dragon in play, and there's a limit to how many dragons AJ can keep from being played via counterspells.

  2. George knows to not play more Dragons than he needs to, and to keep some in his hand. That way, he can recover if AJ pulls a Susan, and casts something like Meteor (which is what's meant by a "board wipe").


- Tuesday EGSNP

