Comic for Monday, Dec 30, 2013


Posted December 30, 2013 at 1:00 am

- Yesterday
- Start of actual dream
- Nope! (2nd comic in dream)
- After the dream (comic being quoted in panel six)

 Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley  Ashley!

And there was much rejoicing followed by various strong opinions one way or the other regarding the choice of her name and then followed by people asking about her last name and me fleeing from the general area.

The name was not chosen randomly, though the name itself wasn't chosen for its origin or meaning. This is the sort of thing I'll have to elaborate on later, but whatever the meaning of "Ashley" is has nothing to do with why she's--Wait, what IS the meaning behind that name?


*Searches the interweb* "Ash Meadow"? That's what Ashley means? A place where ash trees grows? Wouldn't an ash tree just be any tree that's been sufficiently burned? They have whole meadows of those? The world is a strange and confusing place.

